Moves to Get Slim Without The Gym

Moves to Get Slim Without the Gym: Workouts:

Moves to Slim Without the Gym: Workouts:

Moves to Slim Without the Gym
Want to melt stress and show off sexy muscles? No sweat!”


Burn 300 Calories in 15 Minutes

Burn 300 Calories in 15 Minutes
By Lucy Danziger, the Editor-in-Chief of SELF magazine
Jan 11, 2011

Shorter, smarter workouts are always a winner in my book—who doesn’t want tomelt more fat and calories in less time? One trendy fitness tool that can make that happen: kettlebells. Sure, they might look a little intimidating—kind of like little cannonballs with handles—but they’re actually super easy to use. Plus, strength training with a kettlebell works nearly every muscle in your body, toning you up from head to toe and blasting 300 calories in just 15 minutes (you’d have to bike for more than 30 minutes to get the same results). Intrigued? Give one a try with these simple, sculpting moves created exclusively for SELF by Sarah Lurie, founder of Iron Core Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning in San Diego.

You’ll need a 10- to 15-pound kettlebell ($35 and up; Switch to a heavier one as you get stronger. Do three sets of the indicated reps of each move three times a week on nonconsecutive days.

See SELF’s kettlebell center for more moves and tips from Lurie on maximizing the benefits of your workout.
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